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What the newspapers say: April 27, 2007

Liberals officially announced they will gather all their resources in order to involve in the campaign aiming to force president Basescu’s demission. Meanwhile, anti graft prosecutors find out that the Liberal Party was financed through money squeezed from public institutions and open a criminal investigation against a Liberal leader in the Gorj county.

Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu declared on Thursday that his party will be actively involved in the campaign launched against the suspended president Traian Basescu.

The decision resulted from both the Liberal MP’s vote against Basescu but also from the fact that „Traian Basescu has changed a lot after the elections in 2004”, said Tariceanu, according to Evenimentul Zilei.

The same newspaper bears some news that should make PM Tariceanu blush: the president of the Liberal branch in the Gorj county, Dan Morega, is accused by the National Anti Corruption Prosecution Office (DNA) of demanding public institutions and state-owned companies finance the Liberal Party.

Speaking of dirty money: the interim president, Nicolae Vacaroiu, came into focus after some journalists remembered about a book including a giant interview he offered a few years ago.

The things Vacaroiu regrets the most are the disappearance of CAPs (the Communist farms built through confiscating the wealth of peasants), the giant factories (almost bankrupt before 1989, due to poor quality products and lack of demand) and the fall of Bancorex, Cotidianul reads.

For those who don’t remember, Bancorex was one of the major schemes in the history of Romanian banking after 1989. Most politicians who became millionaires at the time did nothing but get credits from Bancorex and forget to return them. The fall of Bancorex was one of the worst blows ever received by the Romanian economy.

With such specimens in the Liberal and the Social Democrat parties (the two forming most of the anti-Basescu alliance), it’s no wonder that the Democrat head, Emil Boc, declared while being released from the hospital that his party’s objective is to gain 70-80% of the votes at the referendum for Basescu’s suspension, Gandul reads.

To end the news around Basescu: The National Audio-Video Council (CNA) sent a warning to the NewsIn news agency and the Realitatea TV station for broadcasting misleading information.

The institutions informed that suspended president Basescu was almost banned from appearing on public TV and radio stations. CNA head, Ralu Filip, says Basescu may not participate in TV shows reserved for political parties, not in general information or news, according to Jurnalul National.

Businessman and former tennis glory Ion Tiriac saw for the first time on Thursday the file put up against him by the former political police, Securitate. Tiriac says he was amazed to see that he was constantly surveyed for 20 years, the entire time he spent in the Western Europe, ever since he was only 19 years old, Cotidianul reads.

As for who was watching who during those years: Andrei Corbea-Hoisie, the Romanian ambassador in Vienna, was found as collaborator of the political police, according to the files held by CNSAS, the body formed for Securitate Archives Studies, an article in Cotidianul reads.

In other news: Romanians will go party on Bulgarian beaches during the short May 1st holiday. Over 10,000 tickets were already purchased for Bulgaria, while Romanian resorts only sold 7,000, Gandul informs.

Also about people leaving the country: over 40,000 Romanian families are working abroad, leaving behind some 60,000 children to live with their relatives. Out of these, 2,700 were left completely alone and are now in a special care and protection program, Cotidianul found out.

Still, some don’t leave for work, but for glory. Romeo Dunca, the first Romanian to finish the Paris – Dakar rally, reached the North Pole on skis, along with another Romanian team mate, Cornel Galescu, Evenimentul Zilei and other newspapers inform.