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What the newspapers say: May 21, 2010

Each state employee has, on average a 3,500 euro debt to the banks, one newspaper reads on Friday. Elsewhere in the nes, after four years of absence, the German tour operator TUI returns in Romania. Last but not least, find out how much terrains dropped in two years of crisis.

There are over 1,360,000 budgetary personnel in Romania who have to pay to the banks 4.8 billion euro, which is about a fifth of the total loans offered to individuals by banks, Gandul reads. This means, on average, that each budgetary personnel has a debt to the bank of over 3,500 euro. The situation differs from a bank to the other.

Prompted what they will do if salaries will drop by 25% and 70,000 will be laid off, like the government agreed with the IMF, bankers said that a decision will be taken after each case will be analyzed.

However, the solution is simple: they will either restructure the credit, or they will force an execution. Banks were caution enough to offer credits to budgetary personnel, since the crisis, former BRD president Bogdan Baltazar.

Some bankers claim that the solution to cut salaries is less dangerous than the massive lay offs, because those who are left without a job will need a while to find a job elsewhere. Others, claim that the value of credits will increase by 1 billion lei if 70,000 people will be laid off.

Last but not least, the German tour operator TUI returns in Romania after four years of absence, EVZ reads. The first tourists are expected this week and a minimum price at the seaside, costs from 390 euro to 607 euro.

Last year there were about 20,000 foreign tourists in Romania. A modest number compared to the number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria. The causes were the economic crisis, the lack of direct flights to the seaside, the absence of big tour operators and even the weather.

Starting this month, Tarom, Carpatair, Blue Air and Air Berlin started to opera direct flights to Constanta. TUI decided to collaborate only with 6 hotels. Only two hotels offers all inclusive services and the average price per wekk is 620 euro per person, TUI Romania director Tim Grosse said.

Romania libera reads that the prices of terrains crashed in the last two years but it is hard to estimate how much considering that prices varied and still vary depending on a bundle of criteria.

The newspaper compares based on prices asked for in 2008 and those asked for now, for the same lots. For example, the owner of a real estate agency in Bran Moeciu declared that prices in the area dropped to half of their value in 2008.

In the Danube Delta, the economic crisis froze deals involving lots. In 2008 a terrain would sell immediately as it was advertised and prices reached 150euro/square meter. Last year, the prices dropped by a third and now there are offers with 30 euro/square meter that do no attract buyers.