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What the newspapers say: October 25, 2006

Romanian newspapers on Wednesday focus on delivering objective views on a British decision to restrict the access of Romanian and Bulgarian workers to the UK market once the two countries join the EU next year. They’re also struck with awe at President Basescu’s visit to India, and at his lack of knowledge about the lost wonders of the world.

A new “manual” to work with the National Anti-corruption Department is received with interest, while in Northern Ireland new regulations are noted as they’re “inspired” by Romanians there.

Gandul reports that not only Britain, but also Ireland and Germany are about to restrict the access of unskilled Romanian and Bulgarian workers to their labour markets.

The newspaper focuses on Britain and quotes the positive spin of the British Embassy, which insisted yesterday that qualified workers may work in Britain as they did so far, once they have a work permit or qualify for the Highly Skilled Migrants Programme, are students or entrepreneurs.

Adevarul reports what it can understand – that only butchers will be allowed to arrive from Romania and Bulgaria to work in the UK, and that Britain is interested only in unskilled migrants from the two country, to work in just two fields of activity, food industry and agriculture. Oh well…

According to Cotidianul, focuses on the number of workers that will receive permits – some 20,000 unqualified workers yearly to receive permits in the two sectors mentioned above and a number of qualified workers which will be set according to Britain’s economic needs.

Jurnalul National reports that skilled Romanian workers will face their own kind of issues if planning to work in the UK. They will have to fight with workers from non-European citizens to prove they’re best suited professionally to take one job or another in Britain.

And Evenimentul Zilei tries to establish a map where Romanians will be allowed, not allowed to work across the EU once the country joins the EU and says that so far only Finland, Estonia, Slovakia, Sweden, Scotland, Spain, Cyprus and Poland announced they’d open their markets for Romanians and Bulgarians.

Meanwhile, Gandul reports that the governing Democratic Party and the opposition Social Democrats are already starting a campaign to hunt the votes of Romanian workers abroad.

There are some 1 million Romanian workers with residential rights in EU countries, which means an equal number of votes that may turn the tides in future Romanian elections.

And Cotidianul writes that while Romania was still struggling to name its future EU Commissioner yesterday, the Bulgarian government announced that its own EU Integration minister Meglena Kuneva will represent the country in the European Commission.

Jurnalul National turns its eyes on a human story in Northern Ireland and reports that the local Health Department has pushed a Regional Child Death protocol recommending the collaboration between various agencies in the case of children dieing a sudden death without clear causes.

The move was sparked by a 2000 case when a baby adopted by an Irish couple from Romania died in suspicious cases that were never cleared up.

Evenimentul Zilei focuses on the visit paid by Romanian President Traian Basescu to India and reports that during a visit to Taj Mahal he boasted he had seen some wonders of the world that have disappeared for long, such as the Colossus of Rhodos, or the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. And he complained that he still had so many others to see…

A bit more official, Cotidianul reports that during his stay in India Basescu politely rejected a request from Indian businessmen he met in Bombay that Romania lifted the compulsory travel visas for Indian citizens.

On the domestic front, Gandul reports that the deputy head of the National Anti-corruption Department-DNA has introduced new criminal procedures in the case of indicted magistrates.

They will be handled with most care – compared to average citizens eyed by the DNA – because their career and fortune may be affected by the graft charges they face.

And for its part, Cotidianul reports that two NGOs have launched three books yesterday aimed at easing the efforts of those in Romania ready to fight corruption. The three books are in fact a form of “manuals” for NGOs, journalists and companies that may have complaints to submit at the DNA, the national anti-corruption body.