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What the newspapers say: September 6, 2007

Traffic in Bucharest is a mess and it has been so for years. In order to seem on top of the situation, the state counts the problems, instead of solving it.

Also far from being on top of the situation, the head of the Social Democrat opposition, Mircea Geoana, may soon lose his seat, after crushing the party popularity down to less than 17%.

235 holes in the boulevards: these are the main threats to the traffic safety in Bucharest, the Road Police says, according to Gandul. The list of the holes that contribute to the chaos in Bucharest was tabled to the local authorities, along with a warning… and that’s about all that happened to fix the problem.

In politics, it has become clear on Wednesday that the holiday ended and the politicians return to their main job. This wee, it seems that an earthquake is about to happen for the main Opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD).

Exclusively for Cotidianul, PSD head Mircea Geoana admitted that the censure motion the party threatens to table is nothing but a pressure tool designed to clarify the future alliances.

„We can’t build a parliamentarian majority unless we team up with the Democrats or the Liberals”, says Geoana. „We suggested a partnership for six years with the Liberals, with Tariceanu as prime minister”, he added, thus confirming the rumors about secret Liberal – PSD negotiations.

But things are far from being that simple. „Geoana has no one to negotiate with”, Jurnalul National reads, reminding that both Liberals and Democrats rushed on Wednesday to announce that any cooperation with the Social Democrats is impossible.

After Geoana’s efforts to receive a negotiations mandate in order to prepare the censure motion and discuss it with the parliamentarian groups, he found out that the mandate is useless.

To top the ridiculous situation, Gandul already writes about the end of Geoana as head of the party. „Please, don’t tell the press that we quit submitting the censure motion”, were the last words of Geoana on Wednesday, after discussing with the parliamentarian groups.

Minutes later, his demand was public. „Never before has a PSD leader been so ridiculed by his party colleagues”, the paper reads. „After accepting to announce the censure motion, under the pressure of the party leaders, Geoana sees himself in off-side, alone and unable to explain what happened”, the article continues.

While chaos returns to politics, everything seems almost normal in business. The Rompetrol transaction wasn’t an issue in the stock market manipulation, the National Securities Commission decided, thus putting an end to all media speculations on the over 2 billion euros transaction, Cotidianul reads.