334 persons become Romanian citizens this Friday
On Friday, 344 people, future Romanian citizens, will be the main subjects of the faith oath ceremony, according to a Justice and Citizen Liberties Ministry communiqué. The event will take place starting with 2:45 pm (local time) in the National Institute of Magistrates hall.
The justice Ministry notes that between 01.01.2009 and 15.11.2009, the Commission for Citizenship solved 20,148 requests for regaining the Romanian citizenship. 17,437 requests have been addressed by „ex-Romanian citizens who became Romanian citizens by birth or through adoption and lost it due to reasons for which they cannot be held accountable, or this citizenship had been cancelled without their approval, as well as their descendents up to the 3rd grade” (citizens from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine).
2,302 requests for regaining the Romanian citizenship have been submitted by „persons who lost the Romanian citizenship and their descendents up to the 2nd grade”, while 409 requests have been formulated by „foreign citizens or persons without citizenship”.
According to data from the Justice Ministry, 15,898 out of the 20,148 requests for receiving or regaining Romanian citizenship have been granted by an order of the Justice minister, in contrast with the 5,585 requests, the number for the same period last year.