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“Romanian politicians take care of themselves instead of reforms”

Gunther Krichbaum, the CDU / CSU group reporter for Romania in the German Parliament, the Bundestag, warned in an official press release that the safeguarding measures in Romania may soon be a topic again, in case Romania fails to intensify its reforms.

„The impression left for Germans is that Romania’s political class is rather interested in its own well being than in accelerating reforms”, said Gunther Krichbaum. On the other hand, he considers as extremely worrying Romania’s decision to postpone the EP elections only two months before the date first set.

“In case the poor performance of prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s party, according to the recent polls, is the reason for postponing the European elections, there’s a large question mark on the way Romania understands the democratic processes. The Romanian parliamentarians in European institution must earn their legitimacy as soon as possible, Krichbaum added.

According to the reporter, the vacant seat in the Foreign Ministry, the presidential suspension procedures and the motion against the Justice Minister are clear signs that the reform and anti graft processes are wavering.