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Governing Liberals support opposition bills in Parliament

The National Liberal Party-PNL, which forms the minority government in Bucharest, supported two bills pushed by the opposition Social Democrats-PSD in Parliament on Wednesday. The move comes as the new PNL government has just installed with PSD backing after months of political struggles with their former coalition allies, the Democrats.

The first of the two bills would force the Romanian state do deliver homes to people having to leave nationalized houses that are being given back to their pre-communist owners and who cannot afford to pay rent.

A second bill removes incompatibilities between the office of hospital manager and that of university professor. The incompatibility had been introduced as a means to reform the much maligned health system in Romania.

The Democrats (PD), who were forced to withdraw from the governing coalition in a major reshuffle last week, said the Wednesday votes by which the PNL supported the PSD bills come as a clear proof that PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s Liberals are “paying back” PSD for their support for the minority government.

According to PD leaders, such secret deals would come to light more often from now on.