Average income, GNP grow
According to a National Prognosis Commission study, the average income in 2007 will be 1.019 RON (some 300 euros), 19.2% more compared to 2005. The average income is expected to grow with an 8% annual rate, reaching 1.735 RON in 2013.
The unemployment rate is expected to decrease between 2007 and 1013, down to an average 4.6%, compared to 5.2% expected in 2007 and 5.1% in 2008.
The gross national product (GNP) is estimated at 390.3 billion RON (some 115 billion euros) in 2007 and is expected to grow to 703.7 billion RON in 2013.
The national currency, leu (RON), will strengthen to an average exchange rate of 3.1 RON/euro in 2013, compared to the 2007 average rate of 3.37.