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Carlos Santana cursed George Bush in Bucharest, in front of 20,000 fans

Legendary guitarist Carlos Santana held a concert on Saturday in Bucharest, during B’ESTFEST festival. He played, among many other songs, Corazon espinado, Smooth, Black Magic Woman, A Love Supreme. The third music festival day also saw The Charlatans, The Ting Tings, Looptroop Rockers and The MOOod performing on the stage.

„We, like Bob Marley, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix… one love… we want to heal the planet, we want to heal our mind. The only way to heal ourselves is to recognise there’s only two things on this planet. Two things on this planet: love and fear. Love is ourselves. Fear… shhh! Fear is very expensive. If you wanna know how expensive fear is, ask George Bush, he knows that. F*** George Bush!”, Carlos Santan said and received the ovations of 20,000 spectators.

Carlos Santana planned a 15 concerts’ tour in Europe. His first performance was in Bucharest. Santana said he was very enthusiastic about this concert. So enthusiastic in fact, that he asked the schedule to be changed, so that he could play over two hours for the Romanian audience. The negotiations with the agent were initially giving him shorter time on the stage. „This is the first time we receive such a request, and the surprise is even greater, become it comes from such a celebrated artist like Carlos Santana”, Emagic Executive manager Laura Coroianu said.

Carlos Santana played five different guitars during the show and enchanted the audience with his lust for life and music.