France will continue to repatriate illegal immigrants
- Redactia Hotnews
France will continue to fight against clandestine immigration and to repatriate illegal immigrants on its territory, Interior minister Brice Hortefeux declared in an inverview for French daily Le Figaro. He said that illegal immigrants needs to drop. According to him, France repatriated in 2010 about 25,500 illegal immigrants.
France has every right to choose who can inhabit its territory, Hortefeux declared. He said that he plans to support and expand the new immigration policy initiated by the President.
France was under the EU and UN loop after its massive repatriations this year. In August, UN committee for the elimination of racial discrimination demanded France to avoid collective evacuations of the gypsies. Plus, in September, the EU announced that it plans to launch an infringement procedure against France for breaching the freedom of movement principle in the EU.