Germany ratifies Romania EU accession treaty
The upper chamber of the German Parliament, Bundesrat, ratified the treaty of Romania and Bulgaria accession in the EU unanimously on Friday. Romanian European Integration minister Anca Boagiu said on the occasion that the German vote „establishes the position of our country in the great European family”.
Germany was the last country to conclude the ratification procedure. The Bundesrat debates started at 9.30 Berlin time and lasted for only half an hour, making Germany the 25th member state to approve the Treaty, several days after the procedure was concluded by Denmark.
The last formal decision on the Treaty belongs to the European Council on December 15.
According to Boagiu, „Romania thus becomes a full member of the European Union in a period when the EU Presidency is held by Germany”, when Romania will make clear its positions in European debates based on thw common interests and vision it has with Germany.