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Liberals take over seats as Justice, Interior, Agriculture and Defense ministers

Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu sent the list of Romania’s reshuffled government to Parliament on Monday morning. The new executive team does not include any Democratic Party members but only representatives of the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Hungarian Democrats (UDMR).

Key ministers representing the Democratic Party – Monica Macovei (Justice), Vasile Blaga (Interior) – are out. And the Economy Ministry and Finance Ministry were absorbed into one, Economy and Finance Ministry, to be run by current Economy minister Varujan Vosganian.

Another portfolio – the EU Integration Ministry, run by Democratic Party representative Anca Boagiu – is dropped.

Top PNL members including Radu Stroe, Norica Nicolai and Crin Antonescu have been left out of the scheme.

Here is the official list of nominees, due to receive parliament approval this week:

Interior and Public Administration Ministry – Cristian David (currently minister for EU funds control; PNL)

Defense minister – Teodor Melescanu (PNL)

Transport minister – Ludovic Orban (PNL)

Economy and Finance minister – Varujan Vosganian (PNL)

Agriculture minister – Decebal Traian Remes (PNL)

Labor minister – Paul Pacuraru (PNL)

Foreign Affairs minister – Adrian Cioroianu (PNL)

Minister for relations with the Parliament – Mihai Voicu (PNL)

Education and Research minister – Cristian Adomnitei (PNL)

Regional Development minister – Borbely Laszlo (UDMR)

IT&C minister – Zsolt Nagy (UDMR)

Environment minister – Attila Korodi (UDMR)

Minister for Small and Medium Enterprises – Ovidiu Silaghi (PNL)