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Meeting against car tax in Bucharest expected to cause traffic problems

Hundreds of people are expected to join a demonstration in the Victoriei Square in Bucharest on Thursday to protest the car pollution tax. The protest was due to start at noon, but only several dozen people had shown up by then. A march was due to continue from Victoriei Square, where the Government HQ is situated, along the Victoriei Avenue and on to the Izvor Garden near the House of the Parliament.

According to Antena 3 news television, the protest is due to be attended by drivers from across the country, come to Bucharest by buses. The protest is due to end in the afternoon and was expected to bring more problems to traffic in the Romanian capital, which is already overheated as winter holidays are near.

The protest comes as the annulment and suspension of an emergency ordinance of the government tripling a controversial car – or pollution – tax in Romania are due to be judged on January 20 next year, as decided by the Bucharest Appeals Court on Thursday.