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New Romanian government faces Parliament approval today

Specialized commissions of the Romanian Parliament will continue hearings of new minister-nominees in the first half of the day on Tuesday and are expected to vote on the reshuffled government presented by prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu in the afternoon.

Four ministers already passed their respective commissions with support from opposition Social Democratic (PSD) MPs on Monday: Cristian David (Interior and Public Administration), Varujan Vosganian (Economy and Finance), Paul Pacuraru (Labor) and Cristian Adomnitei (Education).

Today it’s the time for the rest of new ministers to face their commissions: Adrian Cioroianu (Foreign Affairs), Tudor Chiuariu (Justice), Teodor Melescanu (Defense), Decebal Traian Remes (Agriculture), Ludovic Orban (Transport), Laszlo Borbely (Regional Development), Ioan Ovidiu Silaghi (Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade and Tourism) and Attila Korody (Environment).

The final vote is expected by 3 p.m. after Liberal PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu will have presented the objectives of the new government. He has already said the governing program remains unchanged.