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One in two Romanians believe country is on wrong track

Some 50% of Romanians believe the country is heading in the wrong direction while 43% believe things are evolving in the right way, a new study by pollster IMAS shows. The report also shows that some 46% of Romanian citizens would vote for the current governing pact, the D.A. Alliance, if elections took place next Sunday.

41% of Romanians believe the current government is running the country just as well as its predecessor. But more people – 29% believe the current government heads the country better than the 2001-2004 government, while 26% believe the opposite.

President Traian Basescu keeps the lead as the most trusted politician in Romania, with some 57%, followed by Social Democratic opposition leader Mircea Geoana, trusted by 29% of the population. Next come far-right leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor (25%) and Liberal PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu (24%).

Emil Boc, who heads the Democratic Party-PD, is trusted by 17% of Romanians, while Hungarian Democrat leader Marko Bela and Conservative Party leader Dan Voiculescu each receive 8%.

If elections took place on Sunday, 46% of the population would vote for the Liberal-Democratic D.A. Alliance, 21% with the Social Democrats-PSD and 13% for Vadim Tudor’s Greater Romania Party-PRM.

Some 8% would vote for the New Generation Party-PNG headed by populist businessman-politician Gigi Becali and 7% for UDMR. The Conservative Party, which is currently part of the governing coalition, would only receive 2% of the votes, below the electoral threshold.