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Parliament suspends Romanian President

Senators and Deputies finished voting in the matter of the presidential suspension. Out of 465 PMs, 322 voted in favor of Basescu’s suspension, 108 against, 10 refused to vote and 5 votes were annulled. Only 235 votes were required in order to have the president suspended.

Social Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives held fulminating speeches against president Traian Basescu during the Parliament’s session today and. Hungarian Minority representatives had a moderate position, while far right Great Romania leaders lost themselves in the usual “Romania never wanted Basescu, foreign forces did”.

Basescu announced on Wednesday that he would resign in case the Parliament suspends him, signing the resignation the very moment the Constitutional Court announces that the procedures took place correctly.

“The Constitutional Court decision, showing that I didn’t break the Constitution, transforms the vote on Thursday in a political action, whatever the result”, said Basescu on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, several hundreds of demonstrants gathered in the traditional “Revolution theatre”, the University Place. A flashmob meeting was unofficially convoked for 18:30h in the same place and rumors say president Basescu will participate in person.

In a speech held after the parliamentarian votes were counted, Prime Minister Tariceanu held a public speech, demanding President Basescu to respect his own promise and resign.

“As a politician, I understand that his resignation would represent the recognition of the mistakes he made and an admission of the fact that he shouldn’t run for president again”.

Several Social Democrat (PSD) officials declared for that the party is looking for legal solutions to prevent Basescu from participating in the presidential race again.