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Political scandals make Standard & Poor’s lower Romania’s rating

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services revised negatively the rating perspective for Romania, from positive to stable, because of the political wars this year. According to Forbes, the Rating agency maintained the current short term ratings.

The ratings for convertible currency were reconfirmed at „BBB minus” for long term credits and „A-3” for the short term ones. The same ratings apply for the national currency.

The stable perspective takes into account the low public debt, the high growth potential and the structural reforms perpective on one hand and the limited budget flexibility and low foreign cash flow on the other.

According to Forbes, political stabilization and continuing reforms may allow Standard & Poor’s back to „positive”.

The agency doen’s expect the Romania’s current account deficit to decline

Pana la finele acestei decade, Standard & Poor’s nu se asteapta ca deficitul de cont curent al Romaniei sa inregistreze un declin semnificativ si, in ciuda investitiilor straine directe care vor continua, se asteapta ca si datoria externa sa creasca in perioada 2007-2009.