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Problems expected with Romanian electors abroad

Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu declared on Wednesday that the Romanian embassies will present a situation of the voting sections they host and of the number of Romanian entitled to vote in the May 19 referendum, no later than Thursday.

Cioroianu doesn’t know how many Romanians are working abroad, because many chose not to make their presence known to the local embassies and consulates.

A special team was put up by the Ministry, but „we don’t expect to please everyone”, as Cioroianu said. Mail voting could have been a solution, according to Cioroianu, but the system doesn’t exist yet. „We should have thought about it earlier”, said Cioroianu.

During the past scrutinies, problems were noted in Spain, Italy, France and Germany.

In Spain, over one million Romanians will be able to vote in only four places, in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Valencia.

In Italy, the situation is similar, with booths organized in Rome, Milan, Florence, Treviso and Genoa.

Romanian in France may express their opinions in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Nantes and Nise.

Voting booths in Germany will be placed in Berlin, Bonn, Munich, Bad Kreuznach, Kassel, Hamburg, Potsdam and Stuttgart.

Most protests about the way the electors abroad will be able to vote came from the Democrat party, supporter of the suspended president Basescu.

Democrat vice president Anca Boagiu accused the Government of intentionally discouraging the participation to vote.

„There are 1,200,000 Romanian working legally in EU states. The Foreign Ministry has no right to publicly speak about expecting 146,000 electors to vote”, Boagiu said.