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Romanian Government plans changes to referendum law by emergency ordinance

Parliamentary sources say the Liberal-dominated Government in Bucharest considers a possible emergency ordinance to change the referendum law after the Constitutional Court twice rejected plans in this regard by a multiparty coalition including the Liberals and the opposition Social Democrats.

The sources said representatives of the four political parties met at a Bucharest hotel to discuss the issue on Monday.

The four parties are the opposition Social Democrats (PSD) and the Conservative Party (PC) as well as the governing Liberals (PNL) and the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR). All four have been opposing President Traian Basescu, whom they suspended with a parliamentary vote last week.

The four are said to seek changes to the referendum law in order to gain an advantage against Basescu, who is the most popular politician in Romania and would have most changes to pass a referendum called for May this year where Romanian voters will have to vote for or against his removal from office.

The rumors emerged as PSD president Mircea Geoana said on Monday that during the referendum campaign his party would tell the truth about Basescu, whom he called a rudimentary, anti-democratic, conflicting, lying, coward and corrupt politician.

His statement was qualified by Basescu’s spokesman as a desperate gesture coming from a person with no political authority and controlled by older elements of the PSD party.

And Liberal deputy president Crin Antonescu said today that the suspended President had started the referendum campaign despite a referendum date was not yet officially announced and called Basescu the director of a “grotesque show”.