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Romanian „unemployed” local officials to receive compensations

Romanian deputies have jumped to support local elected officials with a vote in favour of benefits that considerably boost the income of the latter. The status of local elected officials was passed with an overwhelming majority in the House, granting them bonuses of 80% of a salary once the term in office expires.

The legislation was passed with 218 votes in favour, six against and 24 abstentions despite the opposition of the government.

The proposal in this regard comes from a group of ten deputies including four from the governing Democratic Party. It says mayors, deputy mayors and heads of county councils with three or more terms, who do not receive a pension or other kind of income, should receive a transit income of 80% of their former salaries once out of office.

The government had resisted the move claiming that local elected officials already benefited from various welfare measures.

The final say in this regard belongs to the Romanian Senate.