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“Sunt Ics de la firma de recuperari. Aveti un credit restant?” Nu, n-am. “Bine, ma scuzati”

Dan Popa's Weblog

Companiile de colectare debite sunt cosmarul romanilor. Cand auzi la celalalt capat al telefonului o voce mieroasa care se recomanda din partea nu stiu carei firme de care tu nu ai auzit in viata ta, iti vine sa iti iei lumea in cap. Pe mine de pilda m-au sunat fix in momentul in care imi luam laptopul de la care scriu acum. Eram la casa magazinului de (fatalmente) electronice, cand mi-a sunat ceasul mobilul. Dl Popa? Da, zic. Cu cine am onoarea? “Sunt Icsulescu de la firma Pics. Aveti un credit de 90.000 de lei la banca… Aveti deja o intarziere la plata de 6 luni si sa stiti ca urmeaza executarea silita”, zice Mierosul, citat de Dan Popa pe blogul lui.

“Pfuai, zic, felicitari si mult succes in tot ceea ce faceti, da` in viata vietii mele nu am trecut pe la banca aia. Nici eu, nici clona mea”.

Dar, zice Mierosu, figurati la mine in tabel cu aceasta …”Dom`ne zic, mata pricepi ca nu am credit de 90.000 de lei, euro, cocosei de aur, atze de cusut sau ce vrei dumneata? Pricepi ca nu stiu cum arata pe dinauntru banca aia?” Pai si eu de ce va am in lista?, intreaba Glas de Turturica? “Bravas, drob de inteligenta artificiala, exact asta voiam sa va intreb eu”, zic. “Dati-mi CNP-ul”, zice bantustanezul. “Da` nu mai bine imi dati Mneavuastra 1000 de euro? Ca ce chestie sa vi-l dau?, zic. “Pai, sa vedem daca nu e o greseala”, ii aud vocea tot mai stinsa a aluia. In fine, ii recit in metru antic CNP-ul (in tot timpul asta coada de la casa avansa, nevasta se uita la mine cu niste ochi in care se puteau vedea ravagiile uraganului Katrina…), la care Mierosul Colector zice “Da, ne scuzati, e o greseala undeva…”

Pornind de la acest important eveniment al vietii mele searbede, am incercat sa vad cum de se intampla asemenea greseli. Cum sa suni la cineva sa-i spui ca tre sa dea 90.000 de lei/eur etc. ? Daca ala are cu inima si crapa pe loc? Mierosul plateste?

Am aflat ca treburile sunt uneori mult mai hazlii, alteori mult mai dramatice. Ca unii isi suna chiar si colegi din banci sa le aminteasca de credite inexistente. Alteori, debitorul e mort de doi ani. …

Iata cateva raspunsuri dintr-o nota interna. Sunt in engleza, cred. 🙂


The caller, Mrs. ….., told us that she is employee of B.. and she paid the debt between 25.11.09 and 30.11.09. She said she is up to date with the payments and does not understand why she received our notification. She will talk to her collegues. DCA noted her phone no. 0722…

A lady called and told us that she doesn’t know the debtor … and that the debtor never lived at that address. She informed B.. of this issue more than once but nothing was resolved.

UPDATE Intre timp, un raspuns de la un ex-colector

„Am lucrat la o astfel de firme de colectari. CNP-ul este o modalitate de verificare a debitorului, deoarece nu avem voie sa dezvaluim date cu caracter confidential unei terti parti (nici macar sotiei daca sotul este debitor), cat despre greselile din sistem…o da…multe dar nu aveam ce sa facem…As putea sa scriu un roman despre acest lucru, dar va spun doar ca exista foarte multi oameni care iau credite, au bani, dar nu vor sa le plateasca si mint ca nu au si toti atatia cei care au facut acum 10 ani credite cu buletinul stiti voi unde si nu au primit copie dupa contract, nu stiau ce este aceea data scadenta si asa mai departe, ca apoi sa se trezeasca de la o datorie de 2 mil pt un televizor la 300 de milioane. Dezinformarea si prostia…sunt la ordinea zilei – am avut cazuri cand debitorul nu stia sa scrie sau sa citeasca, dar facuse credit! Altele cand mai multi angajati ai unei firme erau convinsi de sef sa faca credite…tot felul de situatii. Nici mie nu imi placea sa-i sun sa le amintesc de datorie, dar se pare ca e legal. Ce nu e legal, nu au voie sa te ameninte cu executarea silita la telefon. La noi se trimiteau 4 scrisori..sau chiar 5-6 pana sa ajungem la executare intr-un final daca nu-si achita datoria. Ce este mai nasol, am inteles ca in America, ofiterii de colectare debite au mai multa liberate, in sensul ca au voie LEGAL sa urmareasca debitorul la serviciu, in mijloacele de transport in comun si chiar sa aiba mesaje subtile precum: “Printre noi exista un datornic”, ca sa-l faca sa se simta prost. Au fost niste luni de cosmar cat am lucrat la firma de colectare si nu-i doresc niciodata cuiva sa lucreze acolo, mai ales la FIELD COLLECT”


The customer says it is up to date with payments, he paid even more than was the rate and does not understand why he is outstanding. He said that in 2006 had a delay of 3 months, which he paid it further, but every time he went to the bank to pay his debts, nobody mentioned that he has to pay arrears or penalties. We will go to talk to the people at the bank and will return with a phone. DCA noted caller’s phone no: 0742….

The caller, …. told us that he already paid the debt on 2.2009. DCA noted his phone no. 0744…

The caller, … told us that the notification is for her mother in law, who has the same name as her, but she doesn’t leave there and her mother in law is dead and the only way to talk to her is going there or sending a notification at the right address

Mrs. ….,the daughter-in-law called and announced that Ms. P… died approximately 2 years ago.

The caller, Mr. …, brother of the debtor …. announced that his brother was arrested

The caller, Mr. …, adminitrator’s husband, told us that his mother in law received the notification and she is in the hospital, because they guaranteed with her house. He said that if she dies, we can take the house. DCA noted no 0742…..

Mrs. … sent a fax announcing that will pay the debts by the end of the year. She has specified that she hasn’t paid the rates because their earning have been reduced. Also stated that she was not announced that the rates have increased from 517 EUR to 800 EUR, which is above her financial capacities.

The caller, Mrs….told us that her husband is in the hospital , at neuropsychiatry and in January hopes he will receive some money, because he have sickness pension. DCA noted the phone no.0767….

The caller, Mr. … told us that he can’t pay the debt and is waiting the forced execution. DCA noted the no 0728….

The caller, Mr. ….. told us that B.. gave him a grace period of 6 months and the outstanding is from this period. He has papers to demonstrate that he is telling the truth. He will go to talk to B… about this problem and it is possible to prosecute BCR. DCA noted the no. 077….

The caller, Mr. ….was very upset because he sustain that B…. postponed his debt for 6 months and now he received our notification. He hang up the phone. DCA noted the phone no 0735…

The caller, Mrs. … told us that she is up to date with the payments and doesn’t understand why she received our notification. DCA noted the phone no 0372….

The caller, Mr. …. told us that he is up to date with the payments and doesn’t understand why she received our notification. DCA noted the phone no 076…..

The caller, …, from B… Bacau told us that he received our notification but he is not the debtor that we are looking for, and that it is a coincidence of names

The caller, Mrs. …… told us that she talk to the employees of B.. about a rescheduling agreement and she is expecting their answer from May 2009. She went every month to the branch, but they never had an answer for her.

The caller Mrs. ….. told us that there must be a mistake because she is up to date with the payments and sent us the statements with the payments for the last year. DCA noted the 0765….

The caller, Mrs. … told us that she is up to date with the payments and doesn’t understand why she received our notification. She sent from fax the agreement signed with B…regarding a payment plan for one year. DCA noted the 0744…..

The caller, Mr. …. told us that he hasn’t money to pay the debts. He is upset because B… increased the rates without consulting him, so, for this reason he will not pay the debts. DCA noted the….

DCA called …. ( using the skip tracing method) and talked to her sun in low who informed us that the debt has been payed.DCA asked him to sent the payment’s confirmation and also left the DCA’s phone no in orther to be contacted by …..

DCA called Mr ( using skip tracing method).DCA started to informe Mr about his debt, but he hung up the phone.

We received a call from Mr. , the debtor’s relative. He claims that the payments were done.

Mr. … told us that he went to B.. and from there they gave him a reimbursement schedule with a monthly rate. The reimbursement schedule has the stamp and a signeture from B…, but has no date and it has no contract attached so it is not a valid document.

Mrs. …, the debtors concubine, told us that Mr. …is in prison and she wants to resolve this problem with the debt because she has a little child of 1 year old and she doesn’t want to loose the house.

Mr….told us that he has taken this loan for another person and he is in the same situation with him as we are with Mr…, refering to the forced execution. So he sent us documents proving this problem.

Mr. …….told us that he doesn’t understand why he has outstanding because he always paid his rates in time. 0723….

Mr. …told us that the debtor, his father has died.

Mr. ….was here, in the office, and wanted to know what is happening with his loans because he has an agreement with Bucharest Financial Plazza.

We spoke with a gentelman and he told us that he found the mobile and doesn’t know anybody with this name.

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