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The Wall Street Journal: The putsch in the Romanian Parliament

Some 100 days after Romania joined the European Union, the country’s parliament voted for the suspension of President Traian Basescu on Thursday, The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal reports.

The crisis is about to become a serious “foreign policy headache” for both the enlarged European Union, and the United States, the newspaper reports.

Authors Vladimir Tismaneanu, a reputed Romanian political scientist, and Paul Dragos Aligica insist that Romanian lawmakers pretended the President had breached the Constitution repeatedly despite the Constitutional Court disagreed with them.

The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network also reported of events in Bucharest yesterday. It quotes Romanian political analyst Emil Hurezeanu who warns that „Romania has to be very careful not to follow the Ukraine scenario and become unstable….

„Political instability in recent months has already dented Romania’s chances of reaping quick benefits from its new EU membership”.