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What the newspapers say: April 2, 2007

As PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is expected to announce the list of his new government on Monday, newspapers today are publishing a series of ministerial lists they believe would be announced today.

According to one newspaper, a major trade union in Romania warns of risks that the country lose huge EU funds because of its political crisis today. Samples of “Russian oligarchs expanding their business in Romania” continue in today’s papers, as do news of BAE Systems, of Romanian troops in Afghanistan and others.

Gandul publishes what it calls the list of the new government, which looks as follows:

Justice minister – Tudor Chioariu (state secretary, head of the Anti-Fraud Department)

Interior and Administration minister – Cristian David

Defense minister – Liberal Senator Teodor Melescanu

Transport minister – Bucharest’s Liberal deputy mayor Ludovic Orban

Economy minister – Liberal Varujan Vosganian

Agriculture minister – Liberal secretary general Decebal Traian Remes

Labor minister – Liberal Senator Paul Pacuraru

Foreign minister – Liberal Senator Adrian Cioroianu

Culture minister – Liberal Adrian Iorgulescu

Minister for relations with the Parliament – Liberal vicepresident Mihai Voicu

Health minister – Eugen Nicolaescu

Education minister – Liberal Cristian Adomnitei

Regional Development minister – Borbely Laszlo (Hungarian Democrats)

IT&C minister – Zsolt Nagy (Hungarian Democrats)

Environment minister – Attila Korodi (Hungarian Democrats)

State minister, deputy PM – Marko Bela (Hungarian Democrats)

Evenimentul Zilei publish a group of similar names, but gives a different nomination for the Defense Ministry (Liberal MP Norica Nicolai) and says some ministers were still disputed on Sunday.

The paper also quotes a political analyst, Cristian Parvulescu, who says PM Tariceanu’s televized speech in this regard on Sunday turns President Traian Basescu, Tariceanu’s rival, into “a scapegoat for the political crisis in Romania, which is risky because it may lead to adverse reactions” among the public.

Cotidianul also publishes its own list of ministers, diferring from the other two considerably and naming Norica Nicolai for the Justice Ministry, Liberals Radu Stroe or Victor Paul Dobre for the Interior Ministry and Dan Motreanu for the Agriculture Ministry.

According to the paper, “it finally happened” that the Democratic Party, an ally of the Liberals for more than two years, now joins the opposition.

Romania libera, which also publishes a lists of new ministers, notes that the only chance of survival for the new government formed of Liberals and Hungarian Democrats is to be supported by the opposition Social Democrats (PSD), who ruled Romania in 2000-2004.

PSD’s parliamentary leaders have pressed all the party MPs to guarantee they would support the new government when it comes before them, according to the paper.

Elsewhere in the papers:

Gandul: Romanian trade union bloc BNS wanrs that Romania risks losing 10 billion euro from three EU-supported regional development programs which have been suspended until the period of political turmoil in Bucharest is at least partially over

Gandul: Associated Press lauds Romanian troops in Afghanistan, who are described as more efficient than the US troops sometimes – and therefore were given the responsibility of securing a key link between Kabul and Kandahar in the south of the country.

• Also in Gandul: two reports on BAE System – one, quoted from The Times, according to which the British company paid two British actresses to befriend a Saudi prince and his companions; and one that BAE is pressing to make sure it would get a maintenance contract for two frigates procured by Romania from Britain in a controversial deal several years ago.

Cotidianul: Romania’s “King of Garbage”, businessman Silviu Prigoana, says in an interview he will pass two thirds of her 70-mln euro businesses (salubrity, media etc) to his children and a third part on the free market.

Prigoana has been famous in the media for divorcing and making up with his wife, a former journalist, an endless number of times.

Evenimentul Zilei: Russian businessman Igor Zyuzin may buy a power plant in the city of Galati where he may invest 200 million euro in what the newspaper calls a move by Moscow oligarchs to expand their businesses on the Romanian market.