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What the newspapers say: April 4, 2007

Most headlines today feed on the end of three-months old political crisis. With a new Government and a fairly strong support from the Parliament, Romania seems ready to return to its business. But that’s not a rule, as history proves it, and the appetite for scandal may re-open scandals at any time.

At least one of the news yesterday is to be followed for some time from now on: Conservative Party head Dan Voiculescu is under criminal pursuit for money laundering, but he claims it’s all because he lead the president’s suspension commission.

Far from the political stage, some good things seem to happen with Romania’s economy. Romanians will earn double in 2013, Evenimentul Zilei reads, reaching an average income of 1,700 lei, meaning some 544 de euro.

The exchange rate for 2012 is expected to be 3.10 RON / euro, compared to 3.35 today. With a growing gross national product (estimated at 222 billion euros in 2013), wages will also reach new levels and the current account deficit will decrease, the same newspapers say.

Beyond the optimistic predictions, Romanians aren’t doing so bad today either. Human Resource and Marketing managers in Romania earn 1,000 euros more than their European homologues, making corporations say that „Low wages in Romania are on the verge to becoming a myth”, Cotidianul reads.

So, where there’s money, there should be luxury, so luxury real estate moguls fell more and more attracted by the Romanian market. Even Donald Trump, who is about to sign a collaboration protocol with Romanian institutions for future investments in office buildings and luxury real estate construction, same Cotidianul informs.

Also in business, US and Canadian oil and gas companies are interested in Romanian abandoned deposits, Encana, Marathon and Sterling being just some of the bidders, Gandul found out.

„The resources are too poor to be exploited without new and expensive technology, but they can afford it”, says Octavian Cojocaru, deputy general manager at the Romanian Mineral Resources Agency (ANRM).

But enough good news. Back into politics, a political crisis similar to the one Romania just solved is about to burst violently in Ukraine. The duel between the president and the prime minister has all odds to become a street fight between their supporters, after the Ukrainian president dissolved the Parliament on Tuesday, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

In Romania, the problem was solved „the easy way”: „New cabinet – voted for fear of early elections”, Gandul reads.

But things aren’t all that easy for Dan Voiculescu, head of the Conservative Party, and his daughter, Camelia Voiculescu, now under criminal pursuit for money laundering in favor of the party vice president, George Copos (also former vice prime minister for PM Tariceanu), Gandul and most other newspapers read.

And, for the taste, a piece of news we’ve been expecting for 17 years: two retired generals – Victor Athanasie Stanculescu and Mihai Chitac – were sentenced to 15 years in jail for the violent repression of the Romanian Revolution in Timisoara, in December 1989, Jurnalul National reads.

The sentenced can be appealed, but it’s the gesture that counts after almost two decades without any guilty parties.