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What the newspapers say: March 10, 2011

​After a visit in Beijing and Shanghai, Bucharest mayor Sorin Oprescu is optimistic that the Chinese will invest in Romania about 8 billion euro. An Austrian businessman plans to build in Bucegi a five star complex worth 1 billion dollars. In politics today, one newspaper reads that while the opposition criticizes the new Labour Code submitted by the governing coalition, they use the same version in a project submitted to the Parliament.

After a visit to China, Bucharest mayor Sorin Oprescu is optimistic that the Chinese will invest 8 billion euro in Romania, Gandul reads. The collaboration includes the development of transports infrastructure in Bucharest, the improvement and development of hospitals and the possibility to finance and operate all the projects.

The mayor has plans to build a suspended highway in Bucharest, a promise which he made earlier during his mandate but which many considered to be surreal. According to Oprescu, such an investment will amount to 700 – 800 million euro and the money will be recovered through the exploitation of the highway.

With the support of the Chinese, Oprescu would like to see more things happening in Bucharest like electric transports facility in Bucharest or magnetic trains.

Gandul reads about the plans of an Austrian businessman to build a tourist complex in Bucegi, worth 1 billion dollars as there are many Romanians who choose Austria over Romania when it comes to skying.

The newspaper reads that Romanians spend almost 60 million euro annually in Austria which determined Kurt Neuschitzer to bring Austria in Bucegi, Romania. The businessman said that Romania has everything it needs but that he will bring entertainment to the whole picture.

His plans are to build a center to spend free time, to build a sports center with shopping, restaurants and amusement parks. The region, according to the investor, is one of the most popular destinations for mountain lovers and has the biggest tourist potential.

Evenimentul Zilei reads that the Social Democratic Party and the Liberals criticized, in their motion of censure the modifications to the labour code assumed by the government but they seem to forget that the same version of the code was submitted by them in the Parliament.

In most cases, the draft submitted by the opposition on the labour legislation copies the version submitted by the government, the newspaper reads. In their motion of censure, the opposition criticizes some measures of the government which are also included in the draft submitted by them.

PSD leader Ponta said that there are small differences, but essential when asked about it.