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Foreign Ministry crisis deepens

PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced he would not make any other nomination for the Foreign Minister seat, except for Adrian Cioroianu, arguing that the historian is a highly trained and educated man.

After the former Foreign Minister, Razvan Mihai Ungureanu, was expelled from the Cabinet, more than a month ago, the seat remained vacant until March 13, when president Basescu signed the release decree for Ungureanu.

Tariceanu’s nominee, Adrian Cioroianu, was rejected by president Basescu, due to invoked lack of experience.

„Traian Basescu attempts to block the institutional relationship between the Government and the Presidency. He is the only one who objects against Cioroianu, a valuable, educated man, with political experience”, said Tariceanu.

President Traian Basescu referred for the first time on Friday to a conversation he had with Tariceanu before Cioroianu’s nomination, saying that he warned the PM he wouldn’t agree with this choice.