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Illegal aspects found in energy, highways, state assets and properties

The Government’s Control Authority (ACG) presented its 2005-2006 activity report. According to the official releases and statements, ACG organized 127 controls within a year, out of which 22 were finalized by criminal files tables to prosecutors. The inspectors found faults in both central and local administration institutions.

The balance meeting was attended to by PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, chief of the ACG Emanoil Negut and the Delegate Minister for Foreign Program Implementation Control, Cristian David.

According to the report, ACG verified 310 institutions in the central administration and 210 local administration bodies.

Illegal aspects discovered included the Bucharest – Brasov highway, the bird flu crisis, the State Protocol Properties Administration Agency (RA-APPS) and the State Assets Agency (AVAS), as well as in the energy producing industry.