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National security bills about to receive House no-vote approval

The Liberal-supported set of laws on national security have a big chance of receiving a no-vote approval in the House of Deputies as representatives of four Romanian parliamentary parties boycotted the sessions of specialized commissions on the issue on Thursday. The session debating the bills was therefore suspended.

The set of draft laws was submitted by the governing Liberals (PNL) in February. The deadline for debates in specializec commissions is due to expire on April 19. The debates scheduled for today failed to take place as PNL and Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) deputies along with representatives of the opposition Social Democrats (PSD) and the Conservatives (PC) failed to show up.

Representatives of the Democratic Party (PD), which shared government with the Liberals but were forced to withdraw last week, attacked the boycott today. “It is unacceptable that the package of laws pass without a proper debate, without changes or amendments” given the importance of the national security issue, PD deputy Daniel Buda said.

“That PNL and PSD boycotted the sessions and the debate in the purpose of a no-vote adoption makes us think again of hidden interests” between the governing party and the main opposition group, he said.

Liberal deputy Ioan Ghise retorted with accusations that President Traian Basescu was to be blamed for the situation. “It all begins from a serious cause: the President of Romania. Had he done his job last year, the laws would have been in place by now”, he said.