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Opposition plans to change electoral law to prevent Traian Basescu from running again for Presidency

Information that the opposition Social-Democrats (PSD) were considering changes to the electoral law, so that a suspended president would be prevented to run in presidential elections again, was circulated intensely on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Democratic Party (PD) leader Adriean Videanu showed the document used by the PSD to change the law on Friday.

Liberal and Social Democratic leaders rejected the charges later today. House speaker Bogdan Olteanu, a Liberal, said the document presented by Videanu was a fake. And PSD leader Mircea Geoana said his party had no intention to fence the electoral rights of Traian Basescu.

Geoana said Basescu would be unable to run for office only in case he loses his rights as a citizen – that is, if convicted with a final sentence for breaching the law.

Videanu’s Democrats are the last major political group in the Parliament to support President Basescu. Basescu was suspended by the Parliament under charges of breaching the Constitution throughout his stay in office yesterday. The Constitutional Court had not supported the charges.

Videanu, who serves as Bucharest mayor, said that the document was circulating on the e-mails of parliamentarians. He said that another such move against Basescu had been attempted before, using the lustration law. If passed, that change would have prevented ship commanders who served under the communist regime – as Basescu did – to run for office.

PSD deputy Florin Iordache dismissed for that such a document existed. But another PSD parliamentarian confirmed it, under condition of anonymity.