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Romania’s political struggle gains momentum this week

The fate of the battle at the top of Romanian politics may come to light this week as key institutions and parties have to choose their stance on a possible proposal to suspend President Traian Basescu. The coming days were prefaced by the head of state’s crowd baths in northern Romania and a series of meetings at the helm of the main political parties opposing him in Parliament.

Leaders of the main opposition party, the Social Democrats (PSD), convened on Saturday evening to discuss the party options related to possible procedures that may be initiated this week for the suspension of the President. The meeting delivered no results, however.

The PSD faces a serious dilemma: President Basescu said in an interview last week that once the suspension procedure is announced, he may very well resign, which would allow him to run in early presidential elections that would have to take place within three months. That would pose a serious challenge to the PSD, as Basescu doesn’t have any relevant contender for the time being.

He himself tried to prove his popularity by having a “crowd bath” at a religious ceremony in northern Moldova this weekend.

A similar incertitude also marks the smaller Conservative Party, also in the opposition, whose leader Dan Voiculescu found during meetings at regional level this weekend that there was no common stance within party ranks on the suspension proposal.

No palpable conclusion resulted from the meetings held by the leadership of the governing Liberals (PNL) either.

A series of meetings are expected to take place on Monday as well, at the start at a week when the whole political spectrum waits for a Constitutional Court argument explaining its recent decision that President Basescu has breached the Constitution but not in so serious a manner as to have him suspended.

Once the court will issue its argument, the Parliament will have to convene within 24 hours to vote whether to launch the suspension procedure or not.