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Social Democrats disagree with increasing Romanian troops in Afghanistan

Romania should not supplement its troops in Afghanistan, Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Mircea Geoana declared in a – BBC interview this weekend. He argues that Romania cannot afford to send more troops on theaters of military operation abroad nor can it afford to purchase more defense airplanes. When prompted about the American missile shield, Geoana added that the shield could have elements in Romania as well.

Geoana declared that any decision regarding the number of Romanian military personnel sent abroad should be taken by the Parliament. He added that Romanian politicians do not consider all aspects of such a decision.

Moreover, he agrees that President Basescu took the right decision to promise more troops in Afghanistan but the PSD leader considers that the decision should involve consultation strategies will all decision making institutions in the country.

Former defense and national security presidential adviser, General Sergiu Medar declared that the soldiers who leave for Afghanistan were already scheduled to leave in Afghanistan and the campaign is part of a secrete strategic reserve.

Former Foreign minister Mircea Geoana said that both the government and the presidency have started talks to purchase some 48 military airplanes when Romania actually only needs half.

Geoana argued that Romanian authorities need to reconsider the Army budget and the way it finds it necessary to spend it. He argued that a government’s 1997 report shows that Romania needs 48 defense airplanes. However, Geoana underlines the fact that in 11 years, necessities within the ministry have changed.

In the same vein, Medar supports Geoana’s idea by arguing that authorities should find a compromise solution for the next 10 years and purchase new updated equipments at low prices. This way, Medar argues, Romania could assure its air supremacy for the next 30 years or so.

Regarding the American missile shield, Geoana points that some elements of the shield might be set up on Romania’s territory, quoting some unofficial sources. However, Geoana argues that talks among Russians and Americans are very important for the future of the project and so is NATO’s financial support.