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What the newspapers say: April 18, 2007

Three events make the headlines in all newspapers today. First, the Romania – origin professor Liviu Libreascu, who sacrificed himself in the Virginia Tech Massacre, so that the students may escape. Second, the death of Gil Dobrica, one of the most popular blues artists in the 70’s and 80’s.

Third, the climax of the president – PM war, coming hours before the Parliament has to decide whether president Basescu will be suspended or not.

Romanians are the last in Europe when it comes to culture. Our preoccupations are far from the ones other Europeans have. While EU citizens spend their time in cinema, theatres and museums, Romanians participate mostly in public celebrations and popular music concerts.

Out of 1,000 Romanians, 3.3 go to the movies (compared to 6.8 in Bulgaria and 17.7 in France), Evenimentul Zilei reads.

„Moscow plugs us in”, is the headline in Evenimentul Zilei, where journalists traced an energy market investor back to two Russian oligarchs. The Russia giant RAO UES, with billionaire Anatoli Chubais, entered discretely the Romanian „wise guy” gang of energy dealers.

Using a cover-company, the network employs lieutenants of Chubais and another „immortal” Russian businessman, Oleg Deripaska, an oligarch who made friends with both Yeltsin and Putin.

Although the energy market is already full, there are still a lot of opportunities for whoever wants to invest in Romania. The Baneasa Commercial Area, where retail giants like Metro, Carrefour, IKEA, Bricostore, Feeria and Mobexpert are already active, will have a new retail center soon, Baneasa Shopping City.

The retail park integrates class A office buildings, a residential area and a retail zone, in a project worth some 1.2 billion euros, Romania Libera reads.

No wonder the real estate prices went berserk. The accession to the EU made the average price for apartments in Bucharest grow 25%, according to Gandul.

With such consumption power, Romania became attractive for on of the planet’s richest, Turkish Guler Sabanci, who recently opened a second Teknosa store in Bucharest and prepares to develop its electronics retail business to another two or three cities in 2007, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Another giant, Google, diversifies its business in Romania, preparing to launch two important business tools, Google AdSense for Search and AdSense for Content in Romanian, a company press release, quoted in Cotidianul, informs.

It’s a good time to go Romanian these days: recently opened IKEA already finished its merchandise, in just a few weeks after opening the business, same Cotidianul reads.

Still, not everyone is a good manager in Romania. Tudor Giurgiu, general manager of the public television station, TVR, lost his vote of confidence from the board and will face the Parliamentarian Commissions who must decide whether he keeps his job or not, Cotidianul found out.