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What the newspapers say: April 19, 2007

Waiting for the Parliamentarian vote on president Basescu’s suspension, most headlines refer to what may happen after this morning.

Meanwhile, the hero professor Liviu Librescu makes once again the headlines, being honored post-mortem with Romania’s highest medal, the National Order „Romania’s Star”, ranking as a Knight.

Romanian gendarmes in Kosovo are accused of killing two Albanians during the riots in February, almost all commissions and investigators pointing directly to them.

Still, Evenimentul Zilei found out that the Italian and French military refused to collaborate with the investigators in any way, so that some questions raised by the reports may never find their answer.

On the other hand, according to Gandul, the rubber bullets shot by the Romanian military were expired since 1994. A UN preliminary report indicates that this fact may have caused the rubber to become more rigid and cause lethal injuries.

The main subject of the day is not as much news as it is expecting news. The Parliament discusses this morning the suspension of president Traian Basescu. The head of state announced that he won’t participate in the session and appealed to all PM to take seriously into account the possible effects of their initiative.

„Foreign investments will be blocked, Romania will have a negative report from the European Union and the country rating will drop”, said Basescu, according to Gandul

The same newspaper has both good and bad news in the economy area. Romania is the country with the most potential of getting its economy overheated, a Standard & Poor’s (S&P) report on emerging economies indicates.

Despite this report, Romania is still the most attractive Central and East-European country for any investors, followed by Bulgaria and Turkey, a Ernst&Young study, quoted by the same Gandul, shows.

First or last in the economy… we’re always the last when it comes to health. Romania holds the record for C-type Hepatitis and has 44.5 deaths caused by this disease for every 100,000 inhabitants, compared to an average of 15 in Europe, Cotidianul reads.

Romania also hosts 10% of all Hepatitis infections in Europe.