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What the newspapers say: December 30, 2010

All newspapers read about a ski accident in which Romanian TV star Serban Huidu was severely wounded, with doctors putting him in an induced coma in a hospital in Austria. Several Romanians were arrested by a SWAT team in Chicago, US as they were trying to do the traditional Christmas rituals, sacrificing a pig, according to one paper. Elsewhere in the news, Bulgaria comes ninth in a CNN list of top global tourist destinations in 2011.

Evenimentul zilei reads about the unfortunate ski accident of Serban Huidu, TV presenter at the Romanian news television Prima TV who is currently in an induced coma in a hospital in Austria.

Huidu was in a ski holiday with his family at Innsbruck. Apparently, Huidu lost control and hit a tree. Huidu suffered a brain trauma and was placed by doctors in induced coma so that they be able to further investigate his condition.

According to a Romanian tabloid, the accident took place on Wednesday, at 7 PM. Huidu is hospitalized at the Innsbruck University Hospital. According to a local newspaper, Huidu wore a helmet at the time of the accident. He was transported with a helicopter to the hospital.

Prima TV representatives declared that Huidu is an induced coma. Romania’s Foreign Affairs Communications Director Doris Mircea declared that the Romanian Embassy to Vienna contacted Huidu’s family and was providing all necessary support.

Elsewhere in the news, Gandul newspaper quoting a Romanian website reads the story of a community of Romanians in Chicago, US who, according to the paper, were arrested by a SWAT team as they were performing Romanian Christmas rituals, namely cutting a pig in the courtyard.

A year ago, on December 20, several Romanians wanted to recreate the Romanian traditional rituals and sacrificed a pig in their courtyard. However, the neighbors, alerted by the screams, alerted the police.

SWAT members found blood all over the courtyard while one of men was sacrificing thepig, another was collecting the blood and the other was frying the meat. Once arrested, the Romanians had a hard time convincing the police about their freedom of cultural expression.

The Romanians were released with a warning and entered on a 2 year monitoring program.

Romania libera quoting reads that CNN classed Bulgaria on the 9th position in a list of top global tourist destinations for 2011. Based on the recommendations for three travel experts, Robert Reid from Lonely lanet, Pauline Frommer and Martin Rapp from Altour agency, CNN positions Bulgaria after NY, New Zealand, Amazon river from Peru, Barcelona, Norway, Albania, Japan and Guatemala.