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What the newspapers say: March 14, 2007

Romanian newspapers on Wednesday discuss the Liberal prime minister’s plans to abandon the alliance with the Democrats and have them leave the government. They also publish a long series of reports of abuse and corruption in politics and business, announce the first strike of Romanian workers in Italy and hail what is announced to be the biggest concert in Bucharest ever.

Evenimentul Zilei reports that leaders of the National Liberal Party-PNL suggested their head, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, several versions to remove the partners from the Democratic Party-PD from the government to allow the PNL, with support from the smaller Hungarian Democrats-UDMR, to run a minority government.

According to the paper, one version is to have Tariceanu remove two key Democratic minister, Interior minister Vasile Blaga and Justice minister Monica Macovei, for not co-signing an ordinance that postpones European elections in Romania.

But a much probable version is, according to Evenimentul Zilei, a government reshuffle where the seats currently held by PD would no longer figure in the scheme.

Cotidianul also reports that a government reshuffle is the only solution left and that Tariceanu was ready to use it against the PD, a party which after months of political struggle would not leave the government by themselves and knew very well what to expect from their (so far) alliance partners.

Romania libera believes the guerrilla wars affecting the whole stage of Romanian politics have already reached a point of no return, with most likely changes affecting the PD first.

And Gandul gives for certain that at least ministers Blaga and Macovei would no longer be part of the government.

Elsewhere in the papers, Cotidianul reports that the leader of the main opposition group in Romania, Social Democrat Mircea Geoana, has found what he calls a solution for solving the current disputes between Romania and the neighboring Moldovan Republic.

Geoana, a former ambassador to Washington, has suggested in the Bucharest Parliament the introduction of a visa lottery system for Moldovan citizens. His suggestion remained rhetorical, however.

Evenimentul Zilei reports that the Liberal secretary general of the Government, Radu Stroe, has employed a formal tax official investigated under serious corruption charges as personal advisor.

Stroe made the decision to employ former Financial Guard commissioner Gheorghe Hutanu in June 2006, more than a year since anti-graft prosecutors initiated criminal procedures against him, which led to his being dismissed from the Guard.

According to the charges, Hutanu offered to protect Italian businessman Riccardi Orlandino, seen as a member of the Campania-based Italian Mafia group Casalesi and arrested for tax evasion and embezzlement several years ago.

Cotidianul reports that a series of real estate irregularities involving Interior Ministry officials have been continuing and that the head of Romanian Police, Dan Fatuloiu, is getting into the game with plans to buy his job apartment after donating his villa to his son.

The same Cotidianul reports that satirical magazine Academia Catavencu has submitted a criminal notification to the prosecutor general, naming 335 Government employees including ministers and state secretaries who have wrongly filed their wealth statements. Just to see what happens.

The series of abuses continue with a Gandul report that the former head of the Romanian Lottery has pocketed some 310,000 euro from the budget of his institutions – in the form of self-delivered bonuses.

And Romania libera publishes a 1997 document depicting what it calls the illegal means by which businessman-politician Gigi Becali, owner of the Steaua football club and leader of a populist political group, built his huge fortune starting with real estate deals in the vicinity of Bucharest.

Meanwhile, Adevarul reports the first strike organized by Romanian workers in Italy: 15 Romanian builders have protested for a day at a working site in the Rome quarter of Tor Pignattara, claiming the payment of their late salaries.

And Evenimentul Zilei heralds “the biggest concert in the history of Romania”: Rolling Stones are due to hold a gig in Bucharest on July 14, with further details expected in the coming weeks.