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What the newspapers say: November 19, 2010

In politics today, one newspaper reads about the power struggle in PDL, the governing party now that Development and Tourism minister Elena Udrea takes over the leadership of the Bucharest local organization. Most newspapers read about the four mob groups that disputed their supremacy in Iasi and Neamt counties, North Romania. Romania hesitates to attend the Nobel Prize Ceremony won by a Chinese anti-Communist dissident, fearing diplomatic and economic consequences.

All newspapers on Friday read about mobsters groups in North Romania in Iasi and Neamt. Romania libera reads about the funeral of underworld leader Gheorghita Catalin Mararu. His assassination, the newspaper reads brought to light complex relations between local politicians, local authorities and the underworld.

Gandul reads on Friday about the power struggle within the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), now that Tourism and Development minister Elena Udrea takes over the presidency of the Bucharest party organization.

Sor far, information reveals that the struggle for power within the party is between Gheorghe Falca – Elena Udrea and Vasile Blaga. Rumour has it that PM Boc will withdraw. Blaga does not seek the leadership of the party but the newspaper reads that it will enter the race if Udrea wil run for the position of Secretary General.

Another scenario sees Blaga battling with Gheorghe Falca even if Udrea gets only a deputy President position. The newspaper reads that local party organizations might offer Blaga an advantage but things have every chance to change until the Congress.

Sources said for the newspaper that the underworld leaders were protected by Interior ministry people and many Social Democratic leaders used their services for various jobs. The paper reads that once PD and PNL won elections back in 2004, underworld groups started to seek protection within the party, which triggered dissension.

Local sources declared that the Mararu brothers invoked protectors from the Interior ministry, with important positions in the ministry. Because of this, they eschewed many penal investigations.

Romania libera reads that Romania hesitates to attend the Nobel Prize ceremony, won by a Chinese anti-Communist dissident, fearing economic and diplomatic consequences. Romania had four days to answer the invitation to attend the Nobel Prize award ceremony organized at Oslo, Norway.

The controversy surrounding the Nobel Peace award winner, Chinese activist Liu Xiaobo, a dissident makes international countries think twice whether to defy China. In these circumstances, Romania hesitates to answer the invitation while France, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden and Netherlands confirmed their presence.

China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Iraq refused to attend. Contacted by the newspaper, Romania’s Foreign Affairs minister Baconschi said Romania has not take a final decision yet but one thing is sure, that Romania will not be represented by a chief of mission.