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What the newspapers say: September 7, 2010

The government expects IT attacks against the online system to submit revenue declarations, one newspaper reads. Elsewhere in the news, one newspaper reads about the latest legislative initiative, regulating prostitution. Last but not least, find out how Eastern Europe looks after 20 years of foreign direct investments worth 700 billion dollars.

Gandul reads on Tuesday about the copyright contracts and the social contributions related to them. Officials are debating whether to increase contributions, regulating the amounts needed to be paid and the categories that have to pay.

However, the newspaper reads that nothing is clear for the time being, the six new cabinet members are just accommodating with all the issues. Leader of the minority group in the Parliament, Varujan Pambuccian told the newspaper that the government is working at the system to allow copyright owners to submit their revenue declarations online.

Pambuccian explained that the government expects IT attacks, meant just to mock the government. He underlined that nothing is clear-cut yet, no decision has been taken and deputies have no idea of the use of the online system yet.

Elsewhere in the news, Evenimentul Zilei reads about the latest legislative initiative by Deputy Silviu Prigoana, proposing the regulation of prostitution. The deputy wants to authorize brothel, impose a limit of 16 years old for clients, at sight tariffs and offers just for straight people.

The initiative reopens the debate on this matter: back in 2007, Interior minister Vasile Blaga considered two normative acts regarding the theme but the initiative back then was dropped. The project proposed by Prigoana reads that prostitutes need to be authorized and be at least 20 years old and have medical checkups monthly.

Romania libera analyzes Eastern Europe after 20 years of foreign direct investments worth 700 billion dollars. Of the 30 countries, 15 joined the EU that played a major role in attracting foreign direct investments. Romania and Bulgaria managed to attract investments due to their Europea integration. However, it seems that this did not solve problems: current account deficits and fiscal deficits got worse not better, expert Anton Khmelnitski concluded in an article quoted by the Romanian news agency Agerpres.

Poland has one of the most resilient economies, with a positive growth of 0.8% in 2009. Ukraine registered a 14% correction of its increase, among the most brutal in the world. Just like Georgia, Ukraine received 80% of the foreign direct investments in the last 5-7 years due to revolutions.

Turkey benefitted from a huge disinflation process – the increase of prices moved from 90% to below 10% in this period, creating more possibilities for FDI. Eastern Europe could continue to benefit from FDI even though multinationals still have a market of 300 million people where they are not present.

Gains will be related to the capacity of these economies to adapt their model to new economic realities.