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Romanian minister of Interior: The Ministry of Interior will receive sufficient money to pay up salaries

Romanian minister of Interior Dan Nica declared that the department he heads will receive sufficient money to pay up salaries. The statement was made after he met to discuss with policemen union representatives. Nica said that the issue of the unique salary scheme for Interior staff has also been tackled. The union representatives said they are not completely satisfied with the results of today’s discussion and are going to take the matter further with Romania’s president Traian Basescu later this morning.

Over 300 policemen protested on Wednesday in Bucharest, for the third day in row. They asked for extra-hour to be paid. They were joined in their dispute by tens of Bulgarian policemen. Romania’s incumbent President Traian Basescu stopped in Victoria Square, where the protests were staged, and invited them to come and discuss the problems on Sunday, at Cotroceni Palace. But the meeting was reset for today.

National Policemen Union leader Marian Gruia said: „The authorities are not taking any measure, but we won’t stop, we can no longer accept their mockery. We’re taking into account to cease working extra-hours, because we cannot strike. If we don’t work extra-hours and if the 8000 police staff deficit is not going to be reduced, the crime rate will increase considerably.”