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This year's holiday celebrations end with new Guinness records

Bucharest managed to secure a place in the Guinness book, for the heaviest world cake with cream and fruits. The cake was set up in the Constitutiei Square starting 6 am: seven persons filled up the cake with 100 kg of cream, 1,000 eggs and 40 kg sugar. The cake weights 281 kg and the awarding certificate was handed out to Bucharest mayor Sorin Oprescu by Guinness officials in the square.

This is the third Guinness entrance Bucharest managed in the last weeks., Last week, almost 4,000 Santa dressed people offered passers by gifts, establishing a record of ‘most Santa dressed people gathered in a square and on Saturday, people in Bucharest ate the longest sausage in the world.

On Saturday, Guinness officials awarded the mayor with another certificate, this time for the longest sausage in the world. The sausage has over 300 meters and some 70 kg of meat were used.