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VIDEO FOTOGALERIE Simple Minds a cantat la Sala Polivalenta: Tonight it's snowing, but we're gonna melt the snow!

Daca spectatorii prezenti la Sala Polivalenta, pe 15 decembrie, ar fi suferit de cecitate vizuala totala, bucurestenii ar crede si astazi ca Bono a cantat in Romania pentru prima oara. Caci vocea scotianului Jim Kerr poate oricand fi confundata cu a solistului de la U2. Vreme de doua ore, frontman-ul trupei Simple Minds a adoptat atitudinea „aceasta este ultima zi pe Pamant. Maine nu exista inca. Noaptea trecuta, din Bulgaria, s-a dus, ultimele sase luni de turneu s-au dus, viitorul… cine stie? In seara asta ninge, dar vom topi zapada!” L-au ajutat: chitaristul Charlie Burchill, bateristul Mel Gaynor („cel mai bun din lume. Exista o disputa intre doi sau trei, dar pentru mine el este cel mai bun”), basistul Andy Duffy („il numim Tipul cel nou. E cu noi de 10 ani. O cronica de la concertul din Amsterdam spunea ca este un zeu al basului”) si Mark Gillespie la clape (cel care face ca piese vechi sa aiba „un sound contemporan. De fapt, suna ca si cum vin din viitor!”). „Led Zeppelin, U2 – sunt fenomene. Si fenomenele sunt, stiti bine, unice. Dar da, i-am face praf!”

Marti seara, bucurestenii prezenti la concertul Simple Minds de la Sala Polivalenta au fost precum romanii in cadrul bataliilor: mereu putini la numar, dar inimosi, suplinind neajunsurile cifrelor prin atitudine. Tricolorul fluturat in public si cele patru piese cantate la bis, semn ca si celor de pe scena le-a placut atitudinea fanilor, aveau sa confirme vorbele solistului: „The Scots and The Romanians – it’s a good mixture!”

Led Zeppelin, U2 – are phenomena. And phenomena are, you know, unique. But yeah, we would kick their arse!

Jim Kerr

„Ten years ago, Simple Minds had lost their mojo. We had lost our energy, we had lost our direction. The last 3-4 years were about getting the engine going again”. „We do this because this is who we are. Why does a shark swim?”, explica inaintea concertului Jim Kerr, solistul trupei scotiene.

„Tonight, five minutes before we go on stage, my attitude will be „this is the last night on Earth”. Tomorrow doesn’t exist yet. The last night in Bulgaria has gone, the last six months of touring are gone, the future… who knows? Tonight it’s snowing, but we’re gonna melt the snow!”

Inceput cu piese ca Sanctify Yourself si Stars Will Lead The Way, concertul a dovedit ca uneorii criticii muzicali au dreptate: „The critics have been saying that this is the best Simple Minds to date”.

„We do this because this is who we are. Why does a shark swim?

Jim Kerr

Un Simple Minds alcatuit din Jim Kerr (voce – „I’m one of these rare creatures, a Scotsman who doesn’t drink whisky”), Charlie Burchill (chitara), Mel Gaynor (tobe – „the best in the world. There may be an argument between two or three, but for me he is the best”), Andy Duffy (bas – „we have a base who we call „The new guy”. He’s been with us for ten years. A review from the concert in Amsterdam said that he is a base God”) si Mark Gillespie (clape – „some of the songs we play tonight, let’s face it, are old songs. He keeps them true to the original. But he makes them sound contemporary. They actually sound like they come from the future!”).

In ciuda unei mici greseli la inceput, eroare din care Jim a iesit cu dezinvoltura („In Scotland we say… we f***ed up”), seara a continuat cu piese ca The American, Moscow Underground, Hypnotised si Don’t You (Forget About Me), bisul aducand cantece precum Gloria, Alive And Kicking, dar si Neon Lights (cover dupa Kraftwerk).