What the newspapers say: March 23, 2011
- Redactia Hotnews
Romania will join NATO forces in Libya through the frigate King Ferdinand that will patrol the Mediterranean Sea to supervise that the embargo imposed to the Tripoli regime is respected. Elsewhere in the news, fugitive Nicolae Popa, which was helped financially by Romanian mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu will be brought in the country in a few weeks. In politics, Democratic Liberal vice president Valeriu Stoica said that Blaga might even join Boc’s team before elections which would put an end to the internal turmoil in the party.
Gandul announces Romania’s decision to join NATO forces in their fight against Libyan leader Qaddafi with 207 militaries at the board of Romanian frigate King Ferdinand that will monitor, in the Mediterranean Sea, whether the embargo against Libya is respected.
Romania’s military involvement will cost 4.5 million euro and the government is in charge with allocating the money to ensure that the frigate is ready to leave in 30 days. The President took the opportunity to defend France, US and Great Britain, saying that there are many who believe this military action is caused by the Libya oil resources. However, the President said that these countries do not need a war to receive what they already have. The intervention, according to the President, is meant to protect civilians.
Evenimentul Zilei quotes news television B1TV where journalist Robert Turcescu announced on Tuesday night that the Indonesian President signed the expatriation documents in the case of Romanian Nicolae Popa and therefore he will be brought in Romania in a few weeks.
Romanian fugitive Nicolae Popa was financially helped by media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu to escape a 15 year sentence in Romania in one of the biggest financial frauds of the country.
In an interview for Romania libera, Democratic Liberal Party Vice President Vasile Stoica said that Blaga, currently competing against incumbent Boc for the party’s presidency, might join Boc’s team before elections. Stoica is a great supporter for Emil Boc, about whom he says, is a middle way between radical reformists and traditionalists (like Vasile Blaga) in the party.
However, Stoica admits that he can see both candidates leading the party. In his opinion, the party has many opportunities at the moment which, if well played, can also lead the party to win elections in 2012. He says the party managed to pass through the peak of the crisis and governed without breaking apart.
Moreover, Stoica believes that the party can take advantage from the fact that all other parties allied with the Social Democrats, leaving the right wing free for the party and that sociological studies reveal that the electorate with a right wing preference are, for the first time, a majority in Romania. He says there is a change of mentalities, of generations which now favor right wing parties.