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Finnish EU Council Presidency plans to "test" support for Romanian Kovesi as top EU prosecutor
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The Finnish Presidency of the EU Council wants to test a posible support for Romanian candidate Laura Codruta Kovesi for the position as top EU prosecutor in the COREPER Council this Thursday, sources close to the EU Council told on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, negotiators of the European Parliament and the EU Council held a video conference on the future top European prosecutor and both teams showed support for their initial options: the EP for Kovesi and the EU Council for French Jean-Francois Bohnert.

Because EP negotiators appear firm and show no room for negotiation, the Finnish Ambassador would like to test Kovesi’s support among member states in the COREPER Council on Thursday.

Regarding the position of the Romanian Ambassador to the EU Luminita Odobescu on the issue, it was expected to be decided in Bucharest on Tuesday – either by the Foreign Ministry or by a group of institutions, sources told

Kovesi has been running for the job with wide European-level support, but, until recently at least, in spite of clear opposition from Romanian governmental authorities. Kovesi has served as top anti-graft prosecutor in Romania until she was forced out last year under the pressure of a former Justice minister who acted within the Social Democratic (PSD) government.