23 mai • Regional Europe Russian newspaper: Dmitri Medvedev criticizes the installation of the anti missile shield in Romania / Bulgaria is ready to host the American shield Russian President Dmitri Medvedev had tough words regarding Romania’s decision to host the American anti missile shield. According to Medvedev, if the elements will be installed in Romania this will trigger Moscow’s acceleration to develop… Share
23 mai • Regional Europe Romania about to get a new sanction from the EC: we did not transpose the new EU regulations on the telecom market Share
20 mai • Regional Europe Romania President: Do we have judicial guarantees no missile existing in Russia currently will ever reach Romanian territory? Share
20 mai • Regional Europe Russian official: sooner or later, the America shield in Romania will train an answer from Russia Share
19 mai • Regional Europe European Commission launched infringement procedures against Romania on the agreement with Russia in terms of air services Share
11 mai • Regional Europe Romanian retained by Bulgarian customs with counterfeit cigarettes hidden in snail shells Share
10 mai • Regional Europe Germany will support Romania and Bulgaria’s adhesion to Schengen if the EC report will be positive Share
9 mai • Regional Europe President Basescu on Europe’s day: it is in Romania’s best interest for EU to be politically and economically consolidated Share
5 mai • Regional Europe Malta, the 10th EU country to maintain until 2013 labor market restrictions for Romanians and Bulgarians Share
3 mai • Regional Europe Corneliu Chisu the first elected Romanian in the Ottawa Parliament: An extremely importat moment for Romanian immigration in Canada Share
3 mai • Regional Europe Russia criticizes the decision to place the American anti-missile shield in Romania / Dmitry Rogozin: the plan is a Trojan horse Share
2 mai • Regional Europe Ten EU member states want to wait until 2014 to allow Romanian and Bulgarian workers on their labour markets Share
28 apr. • Regional Europe A 23 year old Romanian is the image of the Italian Mille Miglia 2011 race Share
28 apr. • Regional Europe Danish Parliamentarians oppose Romania and Bulgaria’s joining Schengen Share
27 apr. • Regional Europe EU’s appointee Marian Petre’s at Eulex mission triggers reactions in Kosovo Share
27 apr. • Regional Europe Pope sends red eggs to Romanian gypsies who occupied the San Paolo basilica Share
19 apr. • Regional Europe Vladimir Voronin accuses Moldovan Defense ministry of forging secret deals with Bucharest Share
14 apr. • Regional Europe Italian press: President Traian Basescu offered to host Tunisian immigrants Share
12 apr. • Regional Europe Romanian astronaut Dumitru Prunariu will be decorated by Dmitri Medvedev at the 50 years anniversary of the first man to fly into space Share
11 apr. • Regional Europe Geneva’s inventions expo: 24 gold medals, 18 silver medals, 7 bronze medals and 20 special prizes for Romania Share
6 apr. • Regional Europe EC formally requests Romania to eliminate regulated prices in natural gas and electric energy Share
1 apr. • Regional Europe Number of suicidal Romanians in Italian prisons alarmingly high / Romanian Justice ministry said it is worried Share
23 mart. • Regional Europe AUDIO INTERVIEW Hannes Swoboda, deputy head of EP Socialist Group: MEP Adrian Severin has all reasons to resign and leave European Parliament Share
23 mart. • Regional Europe Romanian chosen by Google to receive one of the ten scholarships awarded to students with disabilities Share
18 mart. • Regional Europe US: A Romanian who tried to blackmail an American millionaire he worked for as a butler was arrested Share
18 mart. • Regional Europe A 51 year old Romanians killed himself in the square where Italy’s unification was being celebrated Share
16 mart. • Regional Europe European Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger about the nuclear accident in Japan: it’s the apocalypse, I do not exclude the worst Share
14 mart. • Regional Europe President Basescu’s statements at the EU Summit on Libya triggered a new nervous breakdown of Nicolas Sarkozy – EUObserver Share
8 mart. • Regional Europe VIDEO Sonja Kreibich, economic attache at German Embassy: investors complain of difficulty to find qualified work force in Romania Share
7 mart. • Regional Europe Romania 63rd worldwide in list of countries seen as most attractive for tourism development Share
7 mart. • Regional Europe Muammar Gaddafi uses Serb, Ukrainian, Romanian mercenaries to attack rebels, Arab newspaper claims Share
18 feb. • Regional Europe EC report on Bulgaria: Bulgaria made insufficient progress in its judicial reform and fight against corruption Share
17 feb. • Regional Europe Romania on first place in the EU on construction activity in December Share
14 feb. • Regional Europe European Commissioner Viviane Reding about arrests at Romanian customs: it is a sign that justice starts to work Share
14 feb. • Regional Europe Adevarul Holding shuts down the print version of the Blik daily in Ukraine Share
10 feb. • Regional Europe Dutch minister: it’s in Romania’s interest to join Schengen when it is ready Share
9 feb. • Regional Europe Romanian minors’ virginity out for auction, 40 pimps arrested in Italy Share
9 feb. • Regional Europe Yet anoter step for a new natural gas route: Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania establish project company AGRI Share
8 feb. • Regional Europe Romania’s Foreign Affairs ministry warns that some roads and customs points in Greece will be blocked Share
7 feb. • Regional Europe French European Affairs minister: we do not oppose Romania’s adhesion out of principle, but Romania and Bulgaria cannot join the next 3 months Share
4 feb. • Regional Europe EC institutes infringement procedure against Romania on energy product storage warehouses legislation Share
4 feb. • Regional Europe AUDIO INTERVIEW Kamran Bokhari, Stratfor analyst: Unlike the 1989 anti-Communist movements, there will be no domino effect in the Middle East Share
4 feb. • Regional Europe Romanian football player Cristi Chivu, suspended four games in the A series Share
4 feb. • Regional Europe Discovery reshuffles its operations in the region / Three Romanians in the South East European management Share
1 feb. • Regional Europe Bulgarian press: Bulgaria’s technical report postponed due to Slovenia Share
31 ian. • Regional Europe EPP group demands Germany and France to give a “powerful political signal” to Romania and Bulgaria regarding Schengen adhesion Share
28 ian. • Regional Europe Experts adopted Romania's technical report for Schengen. Sources: Bulgaria's reports postponed Share
27 ian. • Regional Europe Dutch gipsy, survivor of Holocaust criticizes Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and France for undignified treatment towards the gipsy Share
26 ian. • Regional Europe Two Romanians sentenced in Great Britain for traffic of persons and prostitution Share
25 ian. • Regional Europe Romanian Ioana Visan: “I am a lucky girl; Meeting PM Berlusconi is like touching the sky” Share
24 ian. • Regional Europe UPDATE Suicide bomber kills 35 and injured 130 on Domodedovo international airport in Moscow / Authorities are looking for three suspects Share
24 ian. • Regional Europe The French are pleased by the competences of nurses from Romania / There are only advantages with their arrival, a French surgeon says Share
21 ian. • Regional Europe Bulgarian customs officers arrested for requesting money from foreigners Share
20 ian. • Regional Europe Transcripts in the sexgate scandal in Italy: Two Romanians attended Berlusconi’s parties Share
19 ian. • Regional Europe Serbians want to create a hologram of the former bridge built by Apolodor of Damascus across the Danube Share
18 ian. • Regional Europe Polish investigation on the Smolensk tragedy: Russian air traffic controllers mislead the pilots of the Presidential plane Share
12 ian. • Regional Europe French press: 500 Romanians work on the construction site of the EPR super reactor / Accommodated in shacks, they work 10-15 hours/day for 250 euro/month Share
12 ian. • Regional Europe Smolensk tragedy: Lech Kaczynski’s pilots wanted to land despite Russian warnings, final report says Share
8 ian. • Regional Europe Daily Mail: Fears related to a wave of immigrants to Great Britain after the Romanian President declared he cannot guarantee border security Share
5 ian. • Regional Europe Bulgarian Foreign Affairs minister: Bulgaria will be ready to join Schengen in March 2011. I hope Romania will make efforts to be prepared Share
22 dec. • Regional Europe Bulgaria defies France and Germany and plans to join Schengen in March 2011 Share
15 dec. • Regional Europe Serbian press: Jelena Jankovic will be trained by Romanian Andrei Pavel Share
15 dec. • Regional Europe UPDATE Bulgaria's Ambassador to Romania collaborated with the Communist Secret Services in Bulgaria / Bulgarian PM Boiko Borisov calls for the resignation of 45 diplomats Share
13 dec. • Regional Europe Stockholm attacks: Taymour Abdel Wahab, the presumed kamikaze, Al Qaeda member Share
13 dec. • Regional Europe Romanian Emilia Morosan awarded by Barack Obama for her research results Share
10 dec. • Regional Europe Moldovan Constitutional Court approved the request of the Communists to recount votes Share
3 dec. • Regional Europe Israel's call for help to Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and France to extinguish the fire broke nearby Haifa / Romanian authorities might send help Share
3 dec. • Regional Europe Bucharest dropped from 29 to 73rd positions in a top on most efficient metropolitan areas Share
2 dec. • Regional Europe European budget commissioner: Romanian issues not exceptional / Leonard Orban: A cut in EU funds after 2014 not excluded Share
2 dec. • Regional Europe Former European commissioner Chris Patten in 2004: Romania was a feral nation Share
30 nov. • Regional Europe Great Britain: a Romanian was shot dead in front of his house by two men on a motorcycle Share
30 nov. • 2010 Elections in Republic of Moldova UPDATE Final preliminary results: PCRM 39.3%, PLDM 29.4%, PDM 12.7%, PL 10% Share
29 nov. • 2010 Elections in Republic of Moldova UPDATE Official partial results after counting 98% of the votes: PCRM 39,6%, PLDM 29,2%, PDM 12,8%, PL 9,8% Share