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Sociological data: PDL recorded more votes in the rural area than in the urban area. For Elena Basescu, the proportion is vice-versa

A survey CCSB completed for Romanian TV channel Antena 3 regarding today’s elections reveals several interesting sociological aspects. According to the analysis, the Liberal Democratic Party (PDL) gained more votes in the rural area (except Bucharest), while Elena Basescu scored exactly contrary.

At the same time, the National Liberal Party (PNL) gained an equal number of votes both at the country side and in the cities. The Social Democratic Party (PSD) raised more votes in the rural area than in the in the urban area.

Here are the main data offered by CCSB (the Company for sociological research and branding):

PSD-PC Alliance: 10 mandates, 29.2% in urban area, 32.9% in rural area, 28.6% in Bucharest

PDL: 10 mandates, 26.7% in urban area, 33.8% in rural area, 35,8% in Bucharest

PNL: 5 mandates, 15.4% in urban area, 15.3% in rural area, 17.8 % in Bucharest

UDMR: 4 mandates, 12% in urban area, 9.6% in rural area, 0% in Bucharest

PRM: 2 mandates, 8.5% in urban area, 4.9% in rural area, 9.2% in Bucharest

Elena Basescu: 4.8% in urban area, 2.2% in rural area, 4.1% in Bucharest