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Italian authorities pass public security and sexual abuse prevention decree

The Italian Council of Ministers adopted with unanimity on Friday the decree ruling immediate measures to ensure public safety and counter sexual abuses, local news televisions inform. Some of the measures adopted include the replacement of house arrest with detention for those accused of sexual aggressions, offering judicial assistance to victims and measures countering illegal immigration.

The decree rules harsher punishments for rape in groups, for aggressions against minors and life imprisonment if the victim is murdered. Local mayors proposed the creation of citizen security patrols that would monitor areas and announce police forces if problems arise.

The patrols will be coordinated by prefects and local authorities and will aim at controlling the territory to prevent felonies. The volunteers will not be paid but the Interior minister will allocate 100 million euro to increase the number of police officers.

The new decree rules the creation of centers to identify and expel illegal immigrants. Italian PM Berlusconi declared that the decree is a fundamental governance act that proved necessary after recent events. Decrees are a fundamental instrument, that allow governments to intervene immediately and take measures to counter felonies, Berlusconi added.